Friday, January 22, 2010

So about the Oscars.....

As some may know, The Academy has decided to expand it's nominations for best picture, changing the nominees from five to ten. This is how the Oscars started out in 1929 and kept ten best picture nominees until 1943. There is debate about what this means for the future of the awards.
I personally feel that this lessens the presitige of the award. I believe there are usually more than five deserving nominees, but I feel that ten might include fillers. I'm also curious if it will effect the foreign language and animated feature category, maybe expanding their nominees eventually.
When I first heard this, I thought I'd sit down and try to make a list of movies that could potentially be nominated and see if I can think of enough, and if I have to stretch it at all. My pick for best picture is Tarantinos' Inglourious Basterds, but it is being challenged by James Camerons Avatar, which I have yet to see. Those two are sure to be in the running. The second best movie I personally saw this year was the Coen brothes small film, A Serious Man. There are a few films I have not seen that will probably be nominated like, Up in the Air, An Education, A Single Man, Precious, Invictus, and possibly The hurt Locker. Two movies that I would like to see in the running that unfortunately may not make it are 500 Days of Summer, and District 9. That makes 11 films, only 4 of which I have seen, so I can cast no real judgment. Let me know what you think of this decision, if I left out any potential nominees, and what movie you would like to see take home the Oscar. I will do a follow up piece when the nominations are announced.


  1. If only Jackie Chan's The Spy Next Door was released sooner, we'd be expecting another nominee for Best Picture.

  2. I published a similar post just recently.

    I generally agree with your opinions. However, I must say that The Hurt Locker is a shoe-in for a nomination this year (and, I would argue, the probable winner).

    Though I must say you're right, there will certainly be a lack of prestige this year. Yes, there's usually one or two films every season where you say "Why didn't that get nominated?". But, on the flip side, there will be three to four films that really don't deserve the nod.

    It's quite the situation, and I'm curious to see who the Academy chooses...

  3. this is really a tight race, and i think the race to win best actor/actress is even tighter. i'm pulling for colin firth in A Single Man, but I can't decide who i want to win in any of the other categories.

  4. I wouldn't mind if Colin FIrth won, but I'm pulling for Jeff Bridges.
